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Tomomi Tomlin


Updated: 4 days ago

The feeling of the word "Re-", a flower's shadow gently projected on a white wall.

As I wrap up the Machine Aesthetics project, I've started delving into a new theme for the next project, the intriguing 'Re-'. This theme, with its potential to revisit, reimagine, and recreate, seemed like a natural progression from the Machine Aesthetics project.

I usually begin a new project by looking up the Cambridge Dictionary to see the definition and origin of words, which often helps me establish the foundation or essence of ideas. I initially thought that Re- was a prefix, but it could also be a preposition that means 'about' or 'on the subject of', as we often see in business writing.

According to the dictionary, the prefix 'Re-' means 'to do again, repeat, or return to the original state'. Words with the 'Re-' evoke a profound sense of contemplation, pause, nostalgia, and hope. As I continued to write more words, I found that each one, starting with 'Re-', carried a unique blend of these emotions. 

50+ words with 'Re-' appeared in my sketchbook. I looked at them in search of the overarching feeling and meaning of 'Re-'. This process used my perspectives and feelings to examine the words, and I felt that these words connote some inward reflections.

An exploration of "Re-" words from a sketchbook showcasing a variety of verbs and concepts like "rethink," "reimagine," and "reconfigure".

This initial step on the new project has sparked my curiosity about where my ideas and responses might lead, but at the same time, I felt at a loss as I had yet to envisage clear directions.


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